30 Stories for 30 Years
In 1992, Oregonians from all walks of life defeated Ballot Measure 9, known to history as “one of the most comprehensive – and harshest – antigay measures put to voters in American history.” (Oregon Historical Quarterly)
What can this epic battle for civil and human rights tell us about today’s fight for inclusive democracy?
To mark the 30-year anniversary of this remarkable multi-year mobilization, we’ve collected 30 stories, releasing three each month in the run up to Election Day, 2022.
Share these stories with those who need to be encouraged.
The work of those who came before us helps us to be brave, take action, and have heart.

“We have to become a movement that understands the long arc of history. Learning from earlier struggles teaches us discipline and helps prevent the sin of despair. In a time where some seek to erase or deny our nation’s history, remembering the stories that are part of the movement for inclusive democracy is a powerful act of resistance and redemption.”
~ Eric K. Ward